A downloadable game for Windows

Shotgun Shopping by B.O.G.O.F - West Suffolk College

A game set in a generic apocalyptic wasteland where to sustain your growing hunger you head to the store to complete your shopping list...

This links to sustainability by being a game about getting food and other things to sustain your life while you also fend off attackers with your shotgun shopping cart.

Lunch Menu by jeti: A retro font inspired by diners & Americana.

You are free to use this font for personal or commercial projects, all I ask is that you include credit.

Licensed under CC BY 4.0: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
More info: https://fontenddev.com/fonts/lunch-menu/

Made and produced by B.O.G.O.F

William Lewis

Travis Frost 

Spike Stroh


Shotgun Shopping.zip 172 MB

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